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Wolf Creek Heritage Museum Photo Album
A Museum of History and Art in historic Lipscomb, Texas
Map 13310 Highway 305 · P.O. Box 5
Lipscomb, Texas 79056
County Flag
July 1, 2018

by Virginia Scott


The museum has been buzzing with changing of exhibits and accessioning new gifts to the museum. Our new exhibit is a revisit by Pam Haines' dolls with new additions that are sure to please all who come to visit. Her dolls as usual are lovable, fun-loving, and beautiful to look at.

I hope everyone enjoyed the fourth and were able to view fireworks, eat hot dogs, and maybe some homemade ice cream.
We hosted a birthday party for Georgia on Wednesday, July 11 here at the museum. If you missed her Follett party, please join us.

We will be receiving a new display case soon and will be adding to our military exhibit unfortunately to add our recent military conflicts. If you have photos or uniforms of Lipscomb county soldiers who have served in these conflicts please bring them to us for this exhibit.


The following is the Skaggs description of a 4th of July celebration in 1918: "Committees have been diligently at work for several weeks in making arrangements for this one big gee-whopper intermixture of business and jollification."

Another article recorded this: "Sure - independence day - is the great day of all days to the American people and will find several causes for celebration. About one hundred ships will be launched at the ship building yards on the both coasts which will go a long way toward dealing the Kaiser misery: one million American soldiers will be in France, and also many big guns will be going across the ocean."

Think of our servicemen and women when you are enjoying your celebrations and "jollifications."

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