October 21, 2018
WOLF CREEK HERITAGE MUSEUM NOTES by Virginia Scott MUSEUM HAPPENINGS Our Sunday Reception for Shari Schinzler was well attended with more than 50 people. People enjoyed her art and many wanted to play with her puzzles. The courthouse staff is moving their offices to the school house and our auditorium area. It will take some time to get use to the changes but it will be worth the effort once our courthouse is restored to its former glory. Our last board meeting of the year is scheduled for Wednesday, November 14th at 3pm at the museum. The agenda will be included in this column next week and is posted in some post offices in the county. The public is welcome to attend. We will have BINGO THIS SATURDAY AT 6:30 PM. It will be our last one for the year. Come help us have lots of Bingos to clear the closet of prizes. I noted last week that the museum staff will begin our annual vacation on Wednesday, November 21 and the museum would close. My mistake because Vonda Boughan will work the month of December so I will post her days next week. So if you are having guests for the holidays include us in your activities. HISTORICAL MUSINGS With the courthouse renovation underway, here is a editorial from the lime light in 1918: "To improve the town of Lipscomb at some future date- that is after the war has been declared off and the commercial whirl pool has once again assumed its normal appearance- to establish a grade and run a standard cement walk around the court house on the business side of the street would be a top notcher for the old town. It would be a pleasant thing for the new comer to look at besides a convenience to the old homesteader."This proves there will always be changes and improvements made. |
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